Discover talent and deepen self-awareness through nurturing the mind and body


Our name 'momentai' (無問題) brings two concepts together 'moment' and 'tai'. A moment of time is very brief, but so much can be experienced in a brief moment of time if we are truly present. 'Tai' is another word for talent. By combining the two words we create 'moments of talent' that can lead to a fulfilling and accomplished life for children and adults alike.

In Chinese (Cantonese) when there is a problem, a mistake made or something turns out different to expected we often say '無問題' or  'mo men tai'. This saying has various meanings such as 'no problem', 'no worries' and 'it's ok'.  We like to think of it as the Chinese version and meaning of 'Hakuna Matata' (from the Lion King).

We believe in a MENTOR approach to learning for both children and adults. Facilitating growth with this approach creates healthy challenges that lead to key learning opportunities to develop skills that are essential for life. These skills are not exclusive to adulthood and are vital for children to learn and have modelled to them at a young age.

Skills we nurture include interpersonal skills, greater self-awareness, play, leadership, problem-solving, mental and emotional self-regulation, self-expression and an individual sense of responsibility in line with their level of development.

Our MENTOR approach to learning

Our MENTOR approach to learning