Zumba Kids & Zumba Kids Jr

(Minimum 3 students per session)

Kidding Around Yoga at it's very core is teaching kids to cope better with stress and develop the capacity to manage their emotions better.

Do children need stress management? YES!

Children in the world today live in a very fast paced world with many pressures and distractions pulling them in different directions.  Between managing school, homework, extra curricular activities and time of technological devices, children have little to no time or space to just be. Their minds are constantly being bombarded by information. When they have a moment of quiet or silence they often fill it with some form of technology, playing a game or watching something on the TV or iPad or result in saying 'I'm bored'.

This overstimulation of the mind has been linked with health issues related to mental and emotional imbalances and physical inactivity, learning difficulties, and problems focusing and sleeping.

KAY helps to reduce a childs experience of stress through breathing exercises and specific poses aimed at calming the nervous system. Through KAY children learn to have better mind-body awareness which contributes to improved emotional regulation and their ability to sense when they are feeling stress and take control and responsobility for changing their state of mind and body.


not sure what to expect?

Sign your child up for a trial class first so they can experience if the class is fun and valuable for them.